16 comments on “Saying ‘Hi’ to the Boys in the Audience!”

  1. James says:

    Just making sure everyone here understand this is sexual harassment and is highly inappropriate.

    1. mikeroyne says:

      it is but its still kinda funny. too bad she didn’t punched him in the throat, that’ll learn him

    2. Valtiel says:

      don’t care…

    3. theoriginalbob says:

      just making sure everyone here understand this was set up in advance.

      not saying to go around doing this, but the vid was planned (its also really old)

  2. Paul says:

    Why would you post this Niklas when it’s clearly assault? Shame on you.

    1. Valtiel says:

      snowflakes nowadays are offended by everything…

      1. JK says:

        I mean the person isn’t wrong. If this was posted without this chicks permission too it can result in a lawsuit sooooooooooooooo.

        1. theoriginalbob says:

          it wasnt, its like at least 10 years old and was a setup

  3. Niklas says:

    relax, its a stupid kid who doesn’t know any better

    1. James Raser says:

      We’re relaxed, it’s obviously not a big deal but you have to understand there are A LOT of impressionable people looking at your posts and some of them ARE stupid kids (I know I definitely was one). When you post this you’re approving the behavior, which is very toxic. Still love you Niklas, keep up the good work!

  4. TheMorgul says:

    tHiS iS sExUaL hArRAsSmEnT. guys please kys

  5. Bobby G. says:

    This is inappropriate sexual harassment. Please take this down, Niklas.

  6. JJ says:

    if this happen in the US one of the guys around him would have punched him. As many have said this is sexual assault I didn’t know this website encouraged that sort of thing..

  7. BigDickDave says:

    This is sexual Assault, take it down

  8. Pope John Paul Ii says:

    I got blocked from posting on this site, because I was angry it promoted ‘ paedophile encouraging images’, along with those who’s comments in turn,which supported these images.
    But this site sadly, as I do like a lot of the pics, supports negativity towards females women, both with choice of content and editing at times, which sadly says something about where Nik’s head is at, and the bile of negativity, perpetually rolled out by some posters in here, who also seem to have a very unhealthy attitude towards women and again, I’d be slightly concerned, re the thot processes behind those thots/ attitudes.
    Not healthy/ good/ or positive.

  9. Rock Monster says:

    And I’m done with this site. I don’t see women being sexually assaulted in public as entertainment. Incels enjoy this kinda shit.

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