6 comments on “Oruei Harada By The River”

  1. Drendar says:

    I NEED to see this chick wihtout the bikini top… NOW.

  2. Yoav says:

    Eeweooo.. this chick is fat and ugly..

  3. david says:

    yeah, this chick is too fat for my taste. Anyone know how to save .swf flash movies so you can play them off ur harddrive later? thanks!

  4. Drendar says:


    In internet explorer, go to tools, to internet options, to Temporary Files, view files. The biggest files are uploaded videos, flash animations, and Shockwave stuff.

  5. drive-by says:

    Got her name wrong… Ourei Harada not Oruei.

    There are a lot of pics of her in Google Images but they’re all clothed, or at least posed to cover up… http://aov.gijo.org/2007/04/20/ourei-harada-with-you/ has a bunch from a DVD she did.

  6. Toto says:

    This chink is hideous! And those big ass tits are gross!

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