Michelle Loves Boobie Blog..

..and I love Michelle’s boobs. It makes for a wonderful series of pics dont you think?

Michelle has her own blog: Amateur Michelle
Michelle Michelle Michelle Michelle


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17 comments on “Michelle Loves Boobie Blog..”

  1. Wiseone says:

    GoGo Michelle =D xx

  2. Anonymous Coward says:

    and Boobie Blog Loves Michelle!

    Thank you Michelle! 🙂

  3. Wedge says:

    I wish my wife would share.

  4. Paris says:

    What happened to her blog? I know a link on this site went to it but now it is inactive.

  5. Niklas says:

    There is a link to her blog right above the pics.

  6. Bildo says:

    I’m glad this was on here, the old blog broke or something, was missing her! 😛

  7. yoav says:

    Blahh.. Fat girls make me sick

  8. Anthony says:

    Why does it look like her face is crudely photshopped on?

  9. Angelo says:


  10. kellen says:

    This isn’t bellyblog.

  11. Agent Smith says:

    Nice rack but her face ruins it for me.

  12. Paris says:

    You guys have poor taste, if I was a guy I wouldn’t kick her out of my bed, but seeing how shallow some of you are, I doubt you get any girl in your bed without paying her.

  13. Drendar says:

    Yeah man, you guys need to get over the “anarexics only” phase.

    More cushin’ for the pushin’!

    Good tits, average body, pretty face, I’d Hit it.

  14. Drendar says:

    Yes, I know its anorexics.

  15. Hi there:)
    Dropping by to say thankyou for the lovely comments

    for the other people with the horrible comments being mean is not very flattering!!!


  16. Drendar says:

    Well there’s a first.

  17. razia says:

    there is a pornstar actually responding to these comments??
    WOW..thats amazing!and unexpected

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