Kennedy Summers in a Bikini for 138 Water!

2014 Playmate of The Year, Kennedy Summers did a wet bikini shoot with 138 Water and its a good one! I never really thought she was hot enough to be Playmate of the Year, but I gotta admit that I see her appeal in these pics. See her nude here.

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Kennedy Summers in a bikiniKennedy Summers in a bikiniKennedy Summers in a bikiniKennedy Summers in a bikiniKennedy Summers in a bikiniKennedy Summers in a bikiniKennedy Summers in a bikiniKennedy Summers in a bikini

8 comments on “Kennedy Summers in a Bikini for 138 Water!”

  1. Kennedy Summers has such an athletic body. gym work pays off for her

  2. BeerMan says:

    Great body… kinda creepy face/smile.

  3. Joe says:

    She’s got a terrific body. There’s nothing wrong with her face either.

  4. IvanLeTerrible says:

    Bitch is looking like a fucking skeleton! Somebody give this girl a cheeseburger, she needs it!

  5. Joe says:

    “skeleton”? She’s got a perfectly healthy, toned body. Idiot.

  6. answerman says:

    Body is great but I agree with Beerman, shes got that weird”Joker” smile. Undoubtedly from too much plastic surgery.


    Least impressive PMOTY for a long long time

  8. Fırat says:

    So hot….

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