8 comments on “I Want To Get In Bed With Faith”

  1. Wiseone says:

    Sexy as ever!

  2. Drendar says:

    Niklas, you need to post some of her hardcore!

  3. razia says:

    UGLY! please stop posting her

  4. Drendar says:

    razia, please refrain from spouting that nonsense you consider speech. In the world of knowing how to enjoy a good pair of tits, Niklas is Albert Einstein, I am Sir Issac Newton, and you… are a form of biological life that enjoys watching girls shove baseball bats up theit twats.

  5. Marxey says:

    Ugly? haha she isnt the best looking girl ever but shes five times better looking than any women that you will ever come near

  6. Troll_Dragon says:

    Well said! 🙂

  7. razia says:

    how mean?i still say she’s ugly?fitter looking women with big boobs look a lot better than her.to me she just looks like some fat kid with huge boobs in a school uniform,just that she’s naked her.sorry to hurt your dick’s sentiments but i really feel nothings good about her.

  8. Edward says:

    I think she’s actually kind of cute. If they’d photograph her with decent lighting in a room that wasn’t pink, she’d be pretty hot. You’d think some of these photographers have never seen Playboy and how they pose women. Decent photographers can make even borderline looking women seem hot. Example: Kim Kardashian.

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