The Boobs Crashed!

It appears that my computer contained TOO MUCH boob to handle so it crashed. Without getting into tech details I had to run out and buy a new computer and I am currently getting it set up / transferring files from the old hard drive etc.

If you sent me an e-mail in the past few days I am not ignoring you, just haven’t seen it yet.

Should be back to normal shortly. I am not getting a sex change.

Furiosa XXX
Furiosa XXX: Porn parody of the upcoming Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga which will be released this year! Streaming at Cosplayground!

8 comments on “The Boobs Crashed!”

  1. Tom says:

    It’s all gone tits up

  2. IvanLeTerrible says:

    Seems like you fell into a booby trap! Lolz.

  3. Mohammed says:

    “If you sent me an e-mail in the past few days I am not ignoring you, just haven’t seen it yet.”

    What about that email I sent nearly two years ago to which you and your pals viewed my links but never bothered to reply?

  4. arthas says:

    Lol…come back soon bro…i am your daily Boobieblog visitor…!! 🙂

  5. GEORGIA97 says:

    It’s really no fun when you beat us to the sex change comments, Niklas.

  6. bob says:

    well its a shame to hear once again you’ve put off the sex change.

  7. cartonfalcon says:

    Computers sucks.

  8. Niklas says:


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