Lindsey Pelas in a Small Bikini on SnapChat!

A few SnapChat caps of Lindsey Pelas trying on a bikini that is way TOO SMALL for those big tits!! Then again, finding a good size is probably a struggle for her. My hands should work?

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Lindsey Pelas in a bikiniLindsey Pelas in a bikiniLindsey Pelas in a bikini

3 comments on “Lindsey Pelas in a Small Bikini on SnapChat!”

  1. BeerMan says:

    Insane body

  2. corpse paint says:

    This girl REALLY upper her butt game. Went from being flat as a board to HILY MOLY it’s awesome. Good on her.

  3. Csynn says:

    She used to be a low 9 and go fully nude. Now she’s a full-on 10, and this is the best we get. No justice in this world.

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