
Sometimes things in life happens on short notice. Sorry for the lack of updates lately but i have a good reason. I think the site will be back on a normal schedule in a couple of days!

Thanks for the patience and use this as an opportunity to go through the archives!!

Furiosa XXX
Furiosa XXX: Porn parody of the upcoming Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga which will be released this year! Streaming at Cosplayground!

81 comments on “updates”

  1. dmp says:

    Love the site mate, keep up the great work.

  2. Cranky Pants says:

    Was it because of the Royal Wedding? It was, wasn’t it.

  3. Thor says:

    Life always comes first, don’t sweat it. You’re always doing a great job on this site, we can wait a little longer for updates. Take care of business and we’re always looking forward to see what you bring us!

  4. 4 says:

    hope everything is alright with ya…we appreciate all ya do….hope you return soon

  5. that one guy says:

    its all good, some thing are more important than boobies… some

  6. todd says:

    handle your business, boobies can wait.

  7. MrSmith says:

    lol at Cranky Pants. I hope you are okay dude. Missing the updates but I took your advice about the archives. As consistent as you are you get to disappear sometimes.

  8. Lance Burton says:

    Find a real job?

  9. Brian says:

    I was beginning to wonder myself. Hope everything is ok. Look fwd to the new stuff soon!

  10. Edward says:

    Okay, I’m done with the Peta Todd and Keeley Hazell archives. I won’t give up until I run into the Brooke Hogan photos.

  11. booblover says:

    —–>>>>Lance Burton. I see you drank your haterade today.

  12. Ron says:

    Were you the one out killing Osama Bin Laden?

  13. Carlos says:

    I was getting woried not seen new tities,
    Hope everything is ok hope too se nuevos pechos.

  14. D says:

    Bin Laden probably didn’t know about boobieblog, but I bet he would’ve HATED it. Good riddance!

  15. Jarg says:

    Hope to see you back soon.

  16. taurus says:

    Niklas..duudeee….wat happened???
    tell tell tell..!!

  17. kama says:

    dude it’s a free tity site take care of your shit we’ll deal with whatever.

  18. Biff says:

    Hope everything is going well. Sometimes a busy life is fun, other times it’s a pain in the ass. Lets hope it’s a fun busy

  19. jimbo says:

    It was hard going a few days without having you post picture sets from 2008 and acting like they were new.

  20. Morgan says:

    yea man take care of what you need, but just as a side note, the nip slip keeps giving me warnings about the site containing malware, you may wanna look into that again.

  21. Flabby D says:

    LOL @ jimbo’s post. all kidding aside, hope everything’s cool nik.

  22. Mr Dolomite says:

    Did you vote??

  23. Angelus says:

    What kama said. As for any re-posts, I don’t mind them myself, if they’re good ones! =D Take care St Nick!!! =P

  24. Red says:

    @jimbo, they’re new to me, but way to be a douchebag when your site is a shallow ripoff of wordpress.


  25. L says:

    dude, i know it’s free, we thank you for your shit, but please let us know wtf are you doing lately

  26. Blue says:

    I agree with Red…. you’re a tool Jimbo. Take your time Nik, hope everything’s k

  27. blahbuzz says:

    Niklas, handle whatever it is that requires your immediate action/attention and take whatever time you need in order to resolve your situation. Fans of your site will still be here, I know I will.

  28. Lisa Suzanne says:

    Al3ways enjoy seeing updates—
    Hope everything is okay.. Lets see some more from
    September– luv her xoxo

    your shemale admirer in seattle.. kisses xoxo

  29. pharoah says:

    dont fret dude. some things in life are often more important than a website, no matter how good the one your running…lol. but dont take too long niklas, your missed already, judging by the lovely (sic) comments here already…..lol. Ph. ;o)

  30. fuzz says:

    Hope everything is well Niklas, I’m sure very soon you’ll be back to your good old boobie loving self, The world is nothing without you and your fantastic boob updates! p.s. more British babes! those American girls ain’t cutting it with those silicone implants.

  31. corpse says:

    Well since niklas is busy…
    Have you all seen Kat Dennings on the red carpet event for Thor? Wowza!

  32. Brian E.Sweitzer says:

    I can’t believe you are not out jail yet? Want 14 year old did you fuck.

  33. M. says:

    Well, it’s off to tittaycitay.com then 🙂

    LOL @Brian

  34. BeerBoy says:

    ^^^^^ don’t waste your time by going to that site

  35. Nash says:

    Really.. that site is so boring.. Boobieblog is the KING..
    BTW, Nik.. Ve u got married..?

  36. Dgkman2 says:

    was it the tornadoes last week. there was like 300 of those sons of bitches in 1 day

  37. Joe Diesel says:

    wtf were u part of that black ops seal team … mission is over Obama released u lol… take care man

  38. SlutDreamer says:

    Whats up mate? come on.. post some new gallery

  39. Jermey says:

    I hope all is well in your world..I din’t realize how much I visited this site until this happened..you rule…take care of your business and looking forward to seeing you back in the saddle!

  40. danny says:

    I just heard that Niklas is doing a hardcore movie with Denise Milani, Wendy 4 and Sofia Vergara. Take your time buddy. I know that those scenes are hard to get right on the 1st take. Sometimes you have to do them over and over. We are looking forward to the finished product.

  41. Ben says:

    I’ve been patient up until now, but I need answers! Are you getting married? Is someone pregnant? Are you pregnant? Did you invent a light saber? A time machine? Did you go back in time and accidentally arm ninjas with lightsabers and then get them all pregnant? And marry them?

    This is one of my favorite sites. Hope everything is well.

  42. (hacked account, imposter etc but still funny) says:

    Hiya Guys,

    Sorry about the delay there and thanks for bearing with me.

    I’ve been going through a difficult time recently. I don’t know if it was due to boobie overload, but I’ve been thinking about my options for sometime with regards to my gender.

    It’s not been an easy decision, but as those of you who know me closely will already know, I have decided to proceed with gender reassignment therapy.

    In turn, this means I won’t have any more involvement with boobieblog.

    The good news for you lot, though, is that I have lined up a replacement blogger. He will also, I’m sure, be more consistent than me with his updates. And I can only apologise for going quiet on you recently.

    Thank you for all your support over the years.


  43. Edward says:

    Okay, it’s a relief to hear that you’ve reached a decision and that a lot of the pressure you must have been under has now been eased to some extent.

    I hope I speak for everyone who’s followed this blog when I say I wish you all the best and thank you sincerely for the amazing amount of great work you’ve done for those of us who love the boob. A friend of mine has been agonizing over the very same decision for quite a while, and I’ve probably got at least a small understanding of how difficult it must be.

    I hope you’ll still be either a guest blogger or at least post a comment now and then. Everything good to you, Niklas.

  44. lolwut says:

    lmfao what the hell?

  45. Russ says:

    werd, thanks for all the tits and awesome stuff u posted on this site throughout the years, peace out and good luck

  46. some guy says:

    wow did not see that one coming, best of luck in the future Niklas

  47. Noobhole says:


  48. Jackson says:

    Is this a joke?

  49. (hacked account, imposter etc but still funny) says:


  50. Dave says:

    What the…?

  51. Jim says:

    Good luck with the new pair Niklas, make sure you post some photos of yourself once you’re all healed up :o)

  52. taurus says:

    ok…can some one plz explain what niklas is talking about????

  53. jacko says:

    Wow– can’t say I saw that one coming.. Anyway, good thing you’re honest to yourself. Good luck, dude(tte?).

  54. Bigtitsnews says:

    Dear NIklas I am a good blogger (probably not as great as you) but I manage various blogs. I would be interested in working on this site of yours, now that you retire. Or eventually to “buy”it. Plz contact me by emails

    THX and good luck for all!

  55. M. says:

    You just want to play with your own boobies all day and night

  56. Dgkman2 says:

    wow so wats goin on. is he like goin tranny or sumthin

  57. lol no says:

    Wait…you’re getting a gender change? What the fuck?

  58. FredMC says:

    wow you guys are a bunch of suckers!

  59. Barry says:

    “It’s not been an easy decision, but as those of you who know me closely will already know, I have decided to proceed with gender reassignment therapy.

    In turn, this means I won’t have any more involvement with boobieblog.”

    If this is true, then the first part, go for it and good luck. But what does it have to do with the second part! Why can’t ya still run the Boobie Blog?

  60. Nash says:

    Hey Hey Hey….!!! What are you saying, man..??errrrrrrrrrr.. woman…?

    Trust me on this.. I am completely puzzled.. Can I ask you to please elaborate your first statement.. Wht d FK do u mean by ‘gender reassignment therapy’? Are u changing your gender..? if that is true, WHT D FUCK…!!! R U CRAZY..????? I mean.. ahem.. sorry for foul language but I am still confused.. get it right for all of us..

  61. Sam says:

    So much for “back on a normal schedule in a couple of days”… I guess if he’s becoming a woman he can’t be obsessed with boobs anymore… Unless he wants to be a lesbian woman, and aren’t we all just lesbians in men’s bodies? Lol

  62. Scott says:

    You’ve posted tits constantly for years, I thought you would have been the most heterosexual male/pervert out there

  63. booblover says:

    does this mean we call you Dicklas now? Haha, get it…dickless. Man I am funny!

  64. Ben says:

    Wow…I do not think I would have had the courage to make the same decision. Perhaps congratulations are in order?

    Peace be with you, Niklas. Although I don’t generally post, I will miss you.

  65. BWSH123 says:

    Niklas – Good luck to you with your plans for the future. Hope we still see you posting sometimes, and looking forward to seeing what the new blogger brings to the table. Best of luck!

  66. Rick says:

    I have a couple of friends going through the same thing right now. I cant say i know exactly what youre going through but i have an idea. Best of luck to you in with your decision and in your new life.

  67. Davo says:

    Not even a remotely funny line of bullshit. He’s probably just realised that his only purpose in life is to be a jacking aid for a bunch of porn addicted losers like me.

    Good luck with whatever you do next, although I suggest you shy away from comedy 😉

  68. Bevis says:

    Wow.. Didn’t expect that 😐

  69. Jarg says:

    This has to be a joke…

  70. Berty says:

    [looks at boobs]
    Huh, What’s that you say? Gender reassignment therapy?
    [looks at more boobs]
    Um, whatever
    [yet more boobs]
    When are the updates coming?
    [finds more boobs to look at]

  71. Sparky says:

    It’s a little late for April Fools, isn’t it?

  72. BeerBoy says:


  73. jacko says:

    will you change your name too? to e.g. nicole? what’s the shemale admirer’s perspective on all this?

  74. wigg says:

    this is epic

  75. (hacked account, imposter etc but still funny) says:

    Thank you to those who have offered their best wishes and support. Up yours to those that have done the opposite – I can only wish that you are never faced with this situation.

    For the record, I am currently undergoing gender reassignment *therapy* rather than the actual surgery. How I proceed is down to me – and I will learn from this lesson and keep it to myself.

    Or maybe I will just pass this whole thing off as a joke or a scam.

    Running boobieblog has been a massive part of my life – but all it is is a web site. It was business in which I felt we kinda looked after each other, but I don’t feel that any more.

    Who knows who I’ll be, where I’ll be or what I say tomorrow. Who cares.


  76. ac3boy says:

    Hey Niklas,

    Thanks for the mammaries. I have a blast checking out the women and especially reading and commenting.

    As for your personal life, good luck to you. I have to say I was stunned reading your post but whatever makes people happy and comfortable in their own skin, then I say do it. You only get one life so might as well enjoy who you are.

    You gotta give a pass to folks though. This was a huge announcement coming from a guy who runs one of the best boob blogs. It was way out of left field.

    Anyways, you will be missed. I always appreciated the hard work you put into the site and I tried to click on many ads to try and support the site.

    Have fun!

    Cheers, AC3

  77. blahbuzz says:

    Much love and respect to you Niklas regarding your choices and in your ability to go forth in this chapter of your life. I have enjoyed all the updates throught the past few years and appreciate all the hard work you have put into the single best boob related blog in the world. No one can predict nor see the future for it will forever be anything but certain but take comfort in the fact that you are being true to yourself, which is the only thing that matters. I’m glad to see fans of the site which have exhibited their support, but it is also shamefull to see others who are less than honorable in their lack of understanding/comprehension regarding something they do not know. If this is the end for you, I hope a worthy individual will carry the torch and continue the legacy you have created. Go forth and be fearless.

  78. Niklas says:

    LOL, ok.. I am not having gender reassignment surgery. Someone has managed to get into my account. I have pretty much stayed offline due to family related issues which is why I didn’t catch this quicker. I am back now and everything will be back to normal.

    There are no new bloggers, I am still running boobie blog and thats all! Thanks for all the support etc!

  79. ac3boy says:

    So funny. Thank god! LOL

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