Category: Brittany Elizabeth

Furiosa XXX
Furiosa XXX: Porn parody of the upcoming Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga which will be released this year! Streaming at Cosplayground!

Brittany Elizabeth gets Naked for Scoreland!

Big tit MILF Brittany Elizabeth has just made her debut for Scoreland, and she fits in so well over there that I’m surprised the debut didn’t happen sooner! From her interview with SCORE she revealed that she was born in Florida but lives in Hawaii, and that she used to work in a bank. I got some deposits to make if yaknowwhatImsaying!?

“I’m pretty assertive,” said Brittany. “I love having my nipples sucked and bit. Giving head really turns me on. I always swallow. My motto is spitters are quitters.”


Pictures from: Scoreland

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Download the FULL set and video at Scoreland – The home of the legendary SCORE boob models!

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Brittany Elizabeth Shares Social Media Photos!

Huge titty amateur porn star Brittany Elizabeth shared naughty selfies with Pinup Files, which I assume, means that she is about to do a shoot with them. If you are into the big fake titties of 90’s SCORE magazine past, that should be exciting! Me, I always thought it would be a fun experience to do sex with a woman with huge fake tits, but prefer smaller and natural in general.

View the full set of Brittany Elizabeth selfies

Brittany Elizabeth selfiesBrittany Elizabeth selfiesBrittany Elizabeth selfiesBrittany Elizabeth selfiesBrittany Elizabeth selfiesBrittany Elizabeth selfiesBrittany Elizabeth selfiesBrittany Elizabeth selfies

Here’s a topless clip of Brittany making pancakes: