#MedBikini! Doctors and Nurses are Posting Bikini Photos to Protest ‘Sexist’ Study!

The hashtag #MedBikini started circulating on Twitter and Instagram after a controversial study was published in the Journal of Vascular Surgery. The research said photos where doctors are wearing ‘inappropriate/offensive attire’ or drinking alcohol are considered ‘unprofessional’ and could impact whether patients choose them as doctors.

Female doctors are posting selfies posing in bikinis with beers in their hands as a response.

Personally, I would go to the doctor more often if she was a sexy girl, dressed in inappropriate attire and served me a beer. Here are some of the best from the hashtag:

I love outrage

15 comments on “#MedBikini! Doctors and Nurses are Posting Bikini Photos to Protest ‘Sexist’ Study!”

  1. mikeroyne says:

    i love this. all those uptight assholes need to be thrown off a bridge

    1. derp says:

      You jump first, useless retard troll.

  2. jume4 says:

    The comment by ‘JRS’ is emblematic of all that’s wrong with modern society.

    1. zombie says:

      As is yours…

    2. mikeroyne says:

      ok boomer

      1. MIko says:

        Cute…was sounding like a childish Internet loser fun for you?

        These women are pushing limits that, trust me, you don’t want pushed and by the time you realize how it’s actually hurting our abilities to DO anything (in case you haven’t already) it’ll be to late. It’s our jobs as citizen to demand standards or else we lose everything. Like we are currently because of idiots like you who don’t understand the purpose of the standards in the first place…

        This is NOT ok behavior. We cannot allow people to mock our standards just because on the surface idiots don’t understand why they matter.

        For example children….You virginal idiots don’t get that the reason you don’t have REAL pussy in your lives is because you support Instagram…You think supporting these women will get you what you want, but it doesn’t…

        1. mikeroyne says:

          not sure if this is satire or not. if not then you need to go bad to the incel/red pill forums.
          we always need to spit on regressive conservatives & support fun & slutty women. they are the best kind & more fun slut= more fun with sluts. now as an incel, i know this makes you rage fill many diapers because all the “chads” are with all those fun women you think you deserve. anyone who is on the side of that “study” should just move to saudi arabia

          1. derrr says:

            So you admit you’re an incel.
            Good start.
            Step 2- letter opener through your eye socket.
            Step 3- everyone rejoyces that a loser troll like you is gone.

  3. Valtiel says:

    people who have pronouns in bio are helpless…

  4. miko says:

    Yeah, you children who don’t understand how important “standards” really are. It’s not JUST about willing or being open minded to ideas. Yes boys, good for you. You’re “open minded” about things random crap…Grow up. The point is MUCH bigger than being “open minded” about things you “think” are stuck up. There are standards for much more important reasons…

    Actually, I find it quite disgusting that these women think it’s ok to do this. One of these so called “Health care professionals” literally mocked peoples fragility. Does anyone really think that’s “cool”?!?

    One of them thinks that just because she went to school that makes her a professional. No, Actually. What you do with your loser social media accounts is far more telling of who you are as a person than your privileged education and career does…So actually, being a nurse or doctor doesn’t mean shit. My cousin is a RN and she’s horrible…Means nothing.

    All this proves is college really isn’t that hard. Med or nursing school is just a bunch of classes like any other. Stop thinking that just because they are in the health care field that means they are smart. IT doesn’t. It means they went to some classes. So did I…Doesn’t mean they can’t be social media morons…

  5. Lyirniyshu says:

    Medical community had become the biggest joke . Nobody cares what they do on there tike off . Lionising and turning the medical community in heroes was a mistake. Leftism kills everything it touches ,

  6. TheMorgul says:

    Inspiring to find such deep and truthful conversations in the boobieblog.

    Reality is one of the default professions when a thot wants to feel legit in life is medicine/nursing. I guess good for them, but the attention seeking gene won’t just disappear when you get a PhD (if they even have one)

  7. mikeroyne says:

    this has always baffled me. you all love looking at these hot sluts but it seems you don’t actually like sluts. i fucking love them & will always applaud their efforts to push boundaries & to shit on backward, insecure guys who cant handle actual women

    the truly sad part is trying to “neg” college or education in general. you shitbird incels are a real pathetic lot

    1. derb says:

      The truly sad part is retard trolls like you that haven’t died.


    2. ohmygodyourretarded says:

      the only pathetic thing here is you.

      all your strawmen and all your namecalling across this thread is making you look very foolish dude, just stop already.

      the study is about social media ineptitude affecting profesionalls and their job opportunities, and it made valid connections.

      yeah, we love sluts. you judge a slut by her tits. THATS NOT HOW YOU PICK A DOCTOR.

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