21 comments on “Pick Your Favourite!”

  1. Deewok says:

    Only one with Hooters..

  2. Zak says:

    I’d buy that for a dollar 😉

  3. bob says:

    Pick my favourites?


    Are you going to throw postage on them and send them my way?
    …..ok. I’ll accept that order.

  4. BeerMan says:

    Blondes body with the face of the girl in the black lingerie.

  5. iwudluvtoo says:


  6. A Fan says:

    Number 1, Hopelessofrantic

  7. krunchiex says:

    To save googling, the blonde goes by the name “HopelessSoFrantic”

  8. Eric says:

    Far right for me

  9. mds_Z71 says:

    #5 for me.

  10. JNewsted14 says:

    Hopelesssofrantic on the left. Trim cutie with massive tits and a nice butt. Doesn’t get much better than that.

  11. mikeroyne says:

    second from left, the blue one. shes the best looking even though shes a bit lacking in the titty dept

  12. lifer says:

    There really isnt a wrong choice but I gotta go with far right.

  13. Zorken says:

    The blonde, ehich is the only one who got any tits.

  14. Impossible choice…. I tried….

  15. Someone says:

    A lot saying the blonde which I don’t get, her tits are the worst of the bunch. Sure, they are the biggest, but in this case, bigger is not better.

    1. JA says:

      @Someone, I’m glad someone else agrees. To me the blonde is by far the least attractive of the group, not a pretty face, and major saggers.

      If I had to choose though, I’d probably go with the one on the far right.

      1. Deewok says:

        Major Saggers?
        Wasnt he in the Six Million Dollar Man? 🤔

  16. Dave says:

    Far right (#5) followed closely by Emily Bloom (#4)

  17. nameplox says:

    Anyone know the name of the Far right (#5)?

  18. Mr. D says:

    5th Girl name is Mary Moody.

  19. petepeters says:

    isn’t #2 from the left on twitch?

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