Nadine Velazquez Is Hot In Hollywood

I bet you havent heard of Nadine Velazquez or a fundraiser called Hot In Hollywood before. Well, I havent either but let me tell you; its a beautiful union. The breasts of Nadine Velazquez in combination with raising money for cancer makes my heart and my penis tingle. Anyways, she’s a model and an actress who was chosen sexiest woman of the year by Maxim magazine both in 2004 and 2007. I cant think of anything more important to put on a resume.

List of nude Nadine Velazquez movies: Mr. Skin
Nadine Velazquez Nadine Velazquez Nadine Velazquez Nadine Velazquez

8 comments on “Nadine Velazquez Is Hot In Hollywood”

  1. Danny says:

    Nah, neither her plastic boobs or her face is that great…

  2. Stu says:

    Thats the chick out of My name is Earl! She looks much hotter in that as a pole dancer.

  3. Andrew says:

    Isnt that the bitch from My Name Is Earl?

  4. Ron says:

    She’s from My Name Is Earl on NBC and she’s the best part of the show. Check it out here

  5. Yoav says:

    those breasts are definitely real, and her face is beautiful..

    Just not in THESE pictures.. they’re not that good..

  6. Danny says:

    I don’t think they’re real. Just look at this huge space between ’em and their form doesn’t look too natural.

  7. Beast says:

    Danny .. you are an IDIOT …

    Her tits are real and she is gorgeous ..

  8. Dace says:

    I’m in agreement that with danny. Seriously look at the shape (the pics posted on celeb jihad tiday. They look oddly shaped, like the saline pouch shifted.

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