Violet Erotica as a Sexy Bunny

Violet Erotica is a brand new fetish model who just like Bianca Beauchamp dress up in latex and get tied up etc but doesn’t do anything too extreme. I think she is pretty hot, just wish she would’ve stayed away from the botox lips..

Here she is dressed up as a sexy bunny and enjoying a carrot (they do say carrots makes womens boobs bigger). Let me know what you think? I got some more sets but they are more fetish-styled.

Pictures from: Violet Erotica

Busty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunnyBusty and exotic bunny

10 comments on “Violet Erotica as a Sexy Bunny”

  1. Sylvain says:

    So sexy little bunny.

  2. My lips are natural actually. . . I wish you wouldn’t say such things about me.


  3. Niklas says:

    Well, then I stand corrected.

  4. morrdigan says:

    She is hot but I thought I had seen these a while ago. Nice hips and ass.

  5. Thomas says:

    Are these actual tattoos on your legs, Violet?

    I’ve never seen any ink work like that, unique idea!

  6. Tom says:

    Those legs tattoo’s are one of the sexiest things ive ever seen. You are the best

  7. Yes, they are seam tattoos. Thank you. 🙂

  8. sabotage says:


  9. se says:

    I only word

    The Girl


  10. fink says:

    wow she is really amazing so frekin hott call me please? 4102594275

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