Checking Up on Casey Batchelor

If your brain works in the same manner as mine, you’ve been wondering what busty British model Casey Batchelor has been up to. It’s been almost a year since we last laid eyes on her big bosom and what better way to check up on her breasts than via Twitter?

Unfortunately it appears as if her modeling career has been put on hold for the benefit of a singing career. Casey has joined girl band Miss Millionaire along with also topless model Madison Welch and two other models. Models making music? It must be a hit!!

Here are some recent TwitPics of Casey Batchelor, which are explaining why she should stop singing and get back to showing her boobs.

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Casey Batchelor TwitPicCasey Batchelor TwitPicCasey Batchelor TwitPicCasey Batchelor TwitPicCasey Batchelor TwitPicCasey Batchelor TwitPicCasey Batchelor TwitPic

Here is a behind the scenes video of the girls hard at work..

3 comments on “Checking Up on Casey Batchelor”

  1. Alan Halsall says:

    Looks like a proper skank

  2. foxy says:

    stop wasting everyones time pretending to be a singer..use the two natural talents you already have 😉

  3. CrazyOldie says:

    My mouth waters at this trick…can’t wait until she puts out a sex-tape!

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